Care for continuing! Super Robot Wars 30 After update, no bullet will be zero

Banzai NAMC Entertainment reports that the simulation RPG World 30 is the latest version of Wanted Ball of Weapons to 0.

Update data for which current problems have been confirmed is Very. (for Steam version). After applying the update, when the Continue of the Main Menu is started, the remaining bullet of the number of bullet-type weapons seems to be 0.

From the official formula, we present some solution methods such as Clearing the mission to clear the mission using an armed other than the number of bullets Supply, etc. and clear the mission. By clearing the mission where the problem occurred, the number of bullets can be returned since then. Currently, we have prepared update data to eliminate this phenomenon.

[November 18, 2021 (Thu) Currently checked by our company]

After applying the update data, the remaining bullet of the number of bullet type weapons becomes 0 when the Main Menu → Continue starts the mission.

applicable update data

Nintendo switch version... Update data Very. 1.04 PlayStation 4 version... Update data Very. 1.03 Steam Version... Update Data Very.

[How to eliminate]

By doing one of the following, the number of bullets will be successful in subsequent missions.

Use armed other than the number of bullets and clear the mission.

Recover the number of bullets with mounting to battleships and individual commands replenishment, etc., and clear the mission.

Select Game over the mission started from the continuation, and select retry or Return to Strategy Phase.

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Select save data from Load on the title screen, and resume the game from Strategy Phase.

future response

Super Robot Wars 30, The Movie - Episode 8: Mid Season Upgrade

We plan to deliver update data to correct this phenomenon. Delivery schedules for update data will be notified of the official site, etc. later.

Currently, a defect where red five disappears after update. In addition, a correction that the news content of November 12 was partially wrong is announced.


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