The game industry that has released the autonomous regulation amendment... Politics regulatory concentration

The Korea Games Industry Association revealed the revision of the autonomous regulation of the regulation of the scattered item problem.

The revision of this amendment in about six months after the plan to revise the autonomic regulation of the regulation of May, was held to help the business of the operator earlier on December 1, which is implemented in the coming of new autonomous regulations.

A new autonomous regulatory amendment is characterized by enlargement of autonomous regulatory applicable standards to paid and free elements, and is included in the applicable subject to enrichment, and coalition content in addition to capsule items. In addition, unlike the existing proution information, it was allowed to allow fountains, text, and functions.

In order to reduce operator confusion, examples of the content and improved probability information display methods of each type of content and improved probability information, including capsules, reinforced, and coal molding were introduced.

Overall, it is a feature of this amendment that analyzed the application of probability items than the existing autonomous regulation of the regulation. However, it is a point of notification of the effective controversy about the effective controversy, which has been continuously raised after the regulation of the scaled items.

In fact, the Korean Games Industry Association would be the same as that of the existing Korean game industry for the question of That s why it does nothing to do with the existing policy.

Unlike the game industry, the political party forms a consensus on legal regulations, unlike what the game industry is the willemic regulation.

This is also revealed in the last October state audit.

Park Jung-sang (as well as the National Assembly Culture Sports Tourism Committee), said, We have strengthened autonomic regulations, but they have been enforced in December, but there are limits to securing user trust.

Lee, Won-eun (as well as Democratic Party) came to the president of the Korean Academy of Korean Academic Game, which was presented as a reference, to the situation where the game users came out of the domestic game company.

The Minister of Hwang Hee Cultural Physical Education Tourism, also attracted attention to the remarks of the purpose of consensusing that the confidence in the game user has fallen in the regulation of the scattered items.

In addition, in the 21st comprehensive audit, the legal amendment to the game industry for item composition and probability information is present in the National Assembly. I will actively work for the Culture and the Cultural Policy to the Culture Policy. I said the position.

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In the National Assembly, it is also a way to prepare for a procedure for the passage of the National Assembly of the National Assembly of all amendments to all the amendments of the game industry, including the legal regulatory contents, including legal regulatory contents.

A member of a member of the Republic of Korea is an atmosphere where the residents of the members of the Budget of the Budget, which are finished in the next year, It will be a place to listen to both the industry and game users.


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