Gardens is a new study founded by developers by Journey or Skyrim, among others
Several game developers such as "Journey, Edith Finch, Spider-Man, Skyrim, Ashen and more" have formed a new remote study called Gardens , based in Portland and Los Angeles. The name, they explain, come from the games that "create together: live and exuberant worlds that unite the players to cultivate lasting friendships. Worlds that offer amazing multiplayer experiences and prosper with the help of their communities ». Its first project, which is already under development and for those who are looking for employees, it is a "shared" fantasy adventure (with cooperative components), inspired by some games with "shared moments with strangers". The players, explain, "will be crossing roads in a unpredictable desert and that changes shape, full of mystery and magic, with a timeless visual address," a concept that drinks what was learned in Journey. Here below you have a couple of conceptual arts: The Founders are Chris Bell (Journey, What R...