What is the release date of Corepunk

Corepunk Upcoming MMORPG ► Everything You Need To Know Before Closed Beta (2021) Corepunk is a MMORPG that was announced in December 2019. During last year, the game received tons of content updates and listed its functionalities openly to the public. The game was originally planned to get out a year after his ad, but recent events made the game pushed back.

The original exit date of Corepunk was scheduled for December 2020. However, the developers unveiled that a closed beta test will begin at that time instead. In a recent article, the artificial Core developer mentioned that the closed beta test begins at about when the game has been announced. We could therefore consider a closed beta test on December 10th.

Due to the pandemic, Artificial Core works remotely. Remote work for developers is the reason why the game is a delay, as this has had a greater impact than expected.

The new exit date of Corepunk is not yet known. In the current state of affairs, the open beta test targets the fourth quarter 2020. Open beta tests tend to give players a chance to try the game and provide comments for a slight adjustment just before the actual output. It can be expected that the release date of Corepunk arrives at a similar moment. We believe that version 1.0 and the open beta could go out in the window from January to March 2021.

In the state, the game does not seem too far from the launch. Artificial Core has recently shown some of their quality of life characteristics, as well as systems under development. He also mentioned that he was working on many classes in the game, which means that the game is at a late Alpha Stadium.


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