Sony will close the servers from Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice, from PS Vita, in December
This article provides one of the most marketed video clip games all the platforms, games well games games marketed more than a million duplicates on the various existing systems. PS Vita turns off your lgamest lights. Sony's ill leading portable broke his commercial cycle years ago, when studies closed the tap and stopped designing products for the machine. Although the company's attempt to close the PS store of this console did not come down, the company's two-game servers will say goodbye. Both Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice will remain without online service from December 24, at legamest in Japan territory (nothing hgames been said of other markets yet). You may be interested: the best PS vita games both can be played without online The two games were in charge of Sony Japanese studios. Freedom Wars is an RPG focused on the action that includes both local multiplayer and online, so that the server closure will not fully kill the experience. In this adventure, play...